IVAO tries to simulate as real as it gets, however, for simplicity sake some reality has been modifed for simulation sake. When operating in Indonesia, please observe and adhere to the following IVAO and proposed IVAO Indonesia rules:
Whenever practicable 122.800 and 121.500 should be continuously monitored via text mode only in uncontrolled airspace and when VFR in controlled airspace unless another frequency is more appropriate.
All altitudes are above sea level (ASL) in feet.
* Transition Level: FL130
* Transition Altitude: 11'000 feet.
* VFR circuits are 1500'AGL except for in Budiarto, Pondok Cabe and Halim, which are 1000'AGL.
Known Code Originator:
WIII Westbound 2xxx (Except 2000)
WIII Eastbound 7xxx (Except 7000, 7700, 7500, 7600)
WAAA 56xx
WIMM 47xx
WALL 45xx
WADD 16xx
WARR 63xx
VFR transponder outside controlled airspace is 1200.
Squawk codes
The following codes are allocated for use by pilots, without direction from ATC for the purposes specified. Use these codes unless ATC instruct otherwise:
ATC on duty should avoid changing aircraft with already assigned squawk code for flights coming into or through a controlled zone unless those flights are using 1200, 2000 and 7000. When possible, incoming flights with 1200, 2000 and 7000 should be allocated a known originator transponder code, or use destination as originator codes. Overflights should be allocated a 1*** code when entering a controlled zone under WIIZ FIR or 5**** when entering a controlled zone under WAAZ FIR.
Aircraft initiating flight outside controlled areas should use 1200 for VFR and 2000 for IFR as their initial transponder codes.
Do not exeed 250 Knots indicated below 10,000 feet ASL unless otherwise approved by ATC, or the classification of airspace you are flying in means you are exempt from the rule. This applies for both departing and arriving traffic.
VFR flights within controlled airspace must file flightplan.
VFR between sunset and sunrise is prohibited (please set your simulator to daytime when performing VFR flights).
VFR circuits are 1500'AGL except for in Budiarto, Pondok Cabe and Halim, which are 1000'AGL.
VFR transponder outside controlled airspace is 1200.
Maximum usable FL for VFR is FL280, ATC may impose FL195 VFR limit when traffic situation requires it.
The appropriate altitude or flight level for an aircraft in level cruising flight is determined in accordance with the semicircular rule (also known as the hemispheric rule) and the quadrant rules. The following applies for
Below FL200:
* IFR & VFR Eastbound - Track 000 to 089° - odd thousands (9000, 11000, FL130, FL150, etc.)
* IFR & VFR Eastbound - Track 090 to 179° - odd thousands plus 500 feet (7500, 9500, FL135, FL155, etc.)
* IFR & VFR Westbound - Track 180 t0 269° - even thousands (8000, 10000, FL140, FL160, etc.)
* IFR & VFR Westbound - Track 270 to 359° - even thousands plus 500 feet (8500, 10500, FL435, FL165, etc.)
FL200 not available for cruise altitude.
Above FL200:
* IFR Eastbound - Track 000 to 179° - odd thousands (FL 250, 270, etc.)
* IFR Westbound - Track 180 to 359° - even thousands (FL 260, 280, etc.)
FL200 not available for cruise altitude.
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum is in force starting at FL290 to and including FL410 in Indonesia.
Altimeter settings are in milibars and standard setting is 1013
Intentions are to be broadcast always on text via 122.8
Several airport codes and FIR changes were made in 2004 in Indonesia. The following changes are:
1. All WI** sectors are now under WIIZ.
2. All WA** and WR** sectors are now merged under WAAZ.
3. Several Old and new airport codes are available as follows:
01. Sabang Maimum Saleh WIAA WITN
02. Batam Hang Nadim WIKB WIDD
03. Tanjung Pinang Kijang WIKN WIDN
04. Singkep Dabo WIKS WIDS
05. Pangkal Pinang Depati Amir WIKK WIPK
06. Tanjung Pandan H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin WIKD WIOD
07. Bandar Lampung Radin Inten II WIIT WICT
08. Tangerang Budiarto WIIA WICB
09. Jakarta Halim Intl WIIH WIHH
10. Bandung Husein Sastranegara WIIB WICC
11. Pangkalan Bun Iskandar WRBI WAOI
12. Semarang Achmad Yani WIIS WARS
13. Cilacap Tunggul Wulung WIIL WIHL
14. Yogyakarta Adisutjipto WIIJ WARJ
15. Solo Adi Sumarmo WRSQ WARQ
16. Madiun Iswahyudi WIAR WARI
17. Palangkaraya Tjilik Riwut WRBP WAOP
18. Warukin Warukin WRBN WAON
19. Banjarmasin Syamsudin Noor WRBB WAOO
20. Surabaya Juanda WRSJ WARR
21. Malang Abdulrachman Saleh Aero WIAS WARA
22. Mataram Selaparang WRRA WADA
23. Tarakan Juwata WRLR WALR
24. Samarinda Temindung WRLS WALS
25. Balikpapan Sepinggan WRLL WALL
26. Bima Mohammad Salahuddin WRRB WADB
27. Kendari Wolter Monginsidi WAAU WAWW
28. Ruteng Satartacik WRKG WATG
29. Waingapu Mau Hau WRRW WADW
30. Maumere Wai Oti WRKC WATC
31. Kupang El Tari WRKK WATT
32. Denpasar Bali Intl WRRR WADD
Charts for airports in Indonesia are hard to find, and procedures between date of publication of charts you may have and the current procedures in force may be different. Please inform ATC as to the procedures you have whenever such differences arise.
Due to inconsistent weather data transmission from many aerodromes in Indonesia, Pilots and ATC must be prepared for METAR data to be inconsistent with the actual and simulated weather conditions. For airports with no METARs, the METAR from the nearest available facility should be used.
WITT and all airports northwest of WIMM: Use WIMM or WMKL weather.
WIOO: Use Kuching weather.
WARJ: Use WARS/WIIS weather
WARQ: Use WARS/WIIS weather
WADD: METAR is known to lag for several days and/or inconsistent. Use WADA to check for inconsistencies.
Due to the wide area of the airspace, ATC service may experience limitations due to several areas of traffic interest being very far apart. Under these circumstances, even under controlled airspace ATC may:
1. Elect to provide delivery clearance control, and limit its ATC service to advisory services until aircraft become airborne.
2. Elect to release traffic under its own navigation and limit its ATC service to Flight Following after traffic has entered the destination aerodrome area.