• 21 Dec 16:18:03 UTC
  • Login


IVAO INDONESIA proudly present our ONLINE DAY every Friday at 12.00z - 16.00z, All members allowed to online as ATC or Pilots. Also after reaching 24 points, you will recive "DIVISIONAL ONLINE DAY AWARD".

Rules for ONLINE DAY:

- Every Friday 12.00z - 16.00z 
- All online activity should be conducted between 12.00z - 16.00z in ID's or MY's FIR
- Flights must be completed from departure - arrival, within the given time frame
- Minimum online time : 1 Hour ATC/Pilots
- You have to report your activity to MODA to be counted as participation
- Only 1 leg will be accepted per day
- Be sure your flight recorded at http://tracker.ivao.aero
- Flightplan must be filled correctly Legs with wrong departure and/or arrival airport will be rejected 
- Minimum 6 minutes on the ground before take-off and after landing 
- Must follow and comply ATC instructions 
- External weather engine is allowed, but must use IVAO as the weather source
- Maximum 1x simrate
- All time used UTC 
- Maximum disconnection time :  5 minutes 
- Each event may have some specific rules. Please be sure you have read and understand the event brief.
- Contact staff for any question you may have 
- Pilots & ATCs will be receive "DIVISION ONLINE DAY AWARD" after join 24 times Online Day 

Your Online Activity at thats time should be report at MODA System here also make sure your online activity recored at tracker.ivao.aero

Enjoy your Friday!