• 21 Dec 18:24:20 UTC
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[21-23 DEC | 12z - 16z] [ID] Holiday Event - 3 Days Airbridge

21/12/2018 12:00z - 23/12/2018 16:00z

IVAO Indonesia Proudly presents our 3 DAYS AIRBRIDGE SPECIAL HOLIDAY AND IVAO-ID ANNIVERSARY All participant allowed to flying in 3 legs.Only Airports listed below allowed:


Full ATC coverage will be provided during enroutes.

General Rules
Radio Comunications
-   When changing to another frequency, do at least wait for 5 seconds to be sure you don’t interrupt any readback.
-   Do not all speak at one time. If this happens, the controller will indicat which station shall comunicate first.
-   Keep your communications as clear and as short as possible.
-   Controllers may tell you at any time to stand-by or monitor a frequency, this means you do only change to the next frequency, but don’t say anything until the controller calls you!

-   Comply with ATC instructions, unless the safety of your aircraft is compromised.
-   Execute ATC instructions as soon as possible after reading it back.
-   Listen well to transmissions from controllers, any “please repeat” will last in a delay of instructions.
-   No emergencies simulate.
-   Online at least 20 minutes before your departure time.
-   Following parking stand in briefing is MANDATORY.
-   Stay calm when you will request anythings to ATCs.
-   Be sure to know your aicraft and able to fly it!


Date      : Friday - Sunday, 21 - 23 December 2018
Time      : 13.00Z – 17.00Z
Aircraft     : Medium/Light, Military/Civil
Description     : 3 DAYS Airbridge, Leg-1 WARR-WIGG at 21 December, Leg-2 WIGG-WAHH at 22 December, Leg-3 WAHH-WIII at 23 December.
Procedures     : AIP Indonesia

This event included badges for Aviation Celebration, ATCs or Pilots (the terms & conditions requirement)

Join 3 Airbridge in 3 Days 

1 point for ATC/Pilots online in Online Day 

4 points for ATC Event (minimum 2 hrs) and join in 3 Days Event 

4 points for Pilot Event if join in 3 Days event, 1 Point if join 1 or 2 days event 

To get point for our event badge, just report your flight/ATC here
ATC go to ATCEV, PILOT go to PILOTEV, ONLINE DAY go to ONLINEDAY, Aviation Celebration go to ID3DA

if you join in 3 days event, feel free to input more than 1 reports with same remarks and put P-1 until P-4 for points count.

WIII, WARR, WAHH, WIGG - bdoaviation.com | suroboyosim.net | freewarescenery.com

Fida Perkasa / ID-EC

Gerry Soejatman / ID-EAC

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